video marketing

Visual Medium at Large

Visual Medium at Large

We all know the saying: Pictures are worth an exponential amount of words, yada yada yada, so on and so forth. The reason this tried-and-true cliche just won’t die is because it’s absolutely correct, and for good reason. Over 90% of the information we digest is visual and a study back in May of 2015 now suggests the average adult attention span is an impressively shameful eight seconds. I can vouch for that because I reached for my phone on no less than three separate occasions while writing this paragraph.

Local Restaurants! You can advertise like chain restaurants too!

Local Restaurants! You can advertise like chain restaurants too!

Many small businesses are hesitant about going the “overly creative” route with video advertising because they think it’ll blow their budget or not get their message across. The bulk of our small business clients have the the thought process that they should mirror their size and produce videos that are only informative, straight to the point, and as low-budget as possible. Here’s why we challenge them, and will challenge you to video advertise like national corporations.

Creativity Without Narrative Structure

Creativity Without Narrative Structure

A couple of weeks ago, Team Trove went on an outing to watch Knight of Cups, a movie written and directed by Terrence Malick and starring Christian Bale. 

After over two hours of creepy voice overs and clip after clip of a brooding Christian Bale, the movie was finally over and it led to an interesting discussion on the use of narrative structure in film. We concluded that creativity without narrative structure-whether in movies, commercials, etc.- comes off as either pretentious, lazy, or just bad.

Here's why it's important to bind creativity to the limits of narrative structure: