Thanksgiving Streaming

Hey Y’all!

 Just like everyone else, we here at Trove Studio are prepping for the holidays!

All of us are departing for a few days to enjoy this time with our families. However, we will back next week. In the meantime, I thought, what is one thing everybody loves over the holidays? Well of course, binging our favorite TV shows while once again immobile due to insane amounts of food we have consumed.

Therefore, I put together a list below of some of the classics to put you in the holiday-ish mood.


1)    Friends Season 3 “The One with the Football”

We all remember this one, right? It contains another one of Monica and Ross’ childhood traditions of a touch football game. No one actually does any of the obligatory thanksgiving traditions. Instead the gang spend the majority of the day participating in the ever-present sibling rivalry between the Gellers.

2)    How I Met Your Mother Season 3 “Slapsgiving”

On this thanksgiving, excuse me, Slapsgiving, Barney receives yet another hardy slap from Marshall as part of their slap bet. The kicker is that for the better half of the episode Marshall relinquishes the slap to someone else in the group- so Barney spends most of the night antagonizing people in order to get the slap over with. By the end of the night Marshall delivers another head spinning slap on Barney and all is well at Slapsgiving.

3)    Gilmore Girls “A Deep- Fried Korean Thanksgiving”

The Gilmore Girls, as popular as they are, are quadruple booked for thanksgiving and must somehow make it to all four celebrations without entering into a food coma.

4)    A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

Need I say why?

5)    The Office “Dwight’s Thanksgiving Theme Park”

Didn’t we all love it whenever Dwight would whip up some crazy idea that ultimately was a ginormous mess while simultaneously warming our hearts? That’s basically everything packed into this episode of The Office.


Well I hope these serve you all well over the holidays whether providing some comical relief or a nice way to end the day with friends and family.